Just how healthy are pomegranates?

By Vanessa Caceres, American Heart Association News

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Pomegranates can be a little intimidating. Cutting one open requires some precision. 为了释放里面的红宝石嫩芽而付出的努力值得吗? Nutritionists think so.

"Pomegranates are high in dietary fiber and antioxidants," said Penny Kris-Etherton, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学埃文·皮尤大学营养科学教授, Pennsylvania.

这种水果的红色来自于一种叫做多酚的植物色素,这种色素存在于许多植物性食物中,在体内起到抗氧化剂的作用,有助于对抗炎症和衰老. 当你打开一个石榴,你会发现大量的红色,圆形的果皮,有一种甜而酸的味道. Inside each aril is a small seed. 你可以吃整个果皮,也可以只吃果汁,把果籽吐出来. 但是不要吃果皮和果皮周围的白色区域,也就是所谓的膜.

Half of a cup of arils 含有72卡路里,16克碳水化合物和3克纤维. 石榴还含有大量的叶酸、钾和维生素K.

Originally from Iran and India, the "jewels of autumn," as pomegranates are called, are actually considered a berry. They grow primarily in the Mediterranean, Middle East, South Asia and parts of Arizona and California. 甚至在很久以前,石榴就与富足、多产和幸运联系在一起.

石榴被认为可以促进心脏健康 National Institutes of Health, so far research on the berry is still limited. 克里斯-埃瑟顿说,石榴中的抗氧化剂含量可以帮助降低炎症, as a result, promote healthy arteries. 然而,石榴是如何影响心脏病的还不清楚,需要进一步的研究.

A 2017 review published in Pharmacological Research 八项临床试验表明石榴汁可以降低收缩压和舒张压. 即使饮用不同量的石榴汁,这种效果仍然存在. 作者总结道:“在心脏健康饮食中加入这种果汁可能是明智的."

然而,关于石榴汁是否有助于降低胆固醇的研究结果好坏参半. 研究人员在2019年发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》上的一篇综述中表示 examined 17 trials but did not find any significant effects on cholesterol. 研究人员表示,很难比较这些试验,因为它们的设计不同,并且没有使用一致量的石榴.

Keep in mind a few precautions before you go pomegranate crazy.

Because it can lower blood pressure, 克里斯-埃瑟顿警告说,如果你服用降压药,首先要咨询你的医生. The two together could lower blood pressure too much.

此外,石榴可以减缓肝脏分解某些药物的速度. This includes cholesterol-lowering medication like statins. Pomegranates also may interact with the blood thinner warfarin, 降低血液稀释的效果,增加凝血的机会. To be safe, 在定期食用石榴果或石榴汁之前,与健康保健专业人士交谈.

少数人可能会因为吃石榴而出现消化问题,比如腹泻, the NIH reports.

Although you probably won't eat the root, stem and peel, consuming too much of these parts of the fruit may not be safe.

对大多数人来说,石榴是多吃水果的又一美味选择. 在商店里,找那些摸起来重、皮紧实的石榴. 单独享用这种水果,或者把它加到冰沙、汤和沙拉中.

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